Subtask List View - Additional Icons

I noticed that since the Subtasks have been updated, the Subtask Icons have also been updated. It used to show when an attachment was added to a task, now it doesn’t. Can we consider making Attachments read as a comment so the comment icon shows next to the subtask without HAVING to click into the subtask to see?
I’ve attached how the icons appear when there is a Description, Attachment, and Comment. Currently only comments show an icon, making subtasks hard at a glance to see if there is content in them or not. Imagine 15 subtasks with photos in some or just descriptions, you’d never know what may be in there unless you click each one.

Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 9.01.35 AM

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Add an icon to indicate if a subtask has a description - subtasks list

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