Asana for film festivals

Is anyone using Asana for film festival planning? If so, how?

This might be one for you @Daniel_Frischknecht :blush:


Hi @anon121553 and welcome to the community forum :raised_hands:!
Thanks @Silvan for the mention.

I was running an open air cinema film festival ( together with our team for several years. We were using Asana for almost all aspects of the organization. Some examples:

  • over all project planning

  • «daily info» for coordination and alignment between office team and people responsible for running the festival «on the ground» (we set up a task for each day of the festival with sections and subtasks about all relevant information for this day in different areas (film / advertising / sponsorship presence / food & beverage / special promotions / other information). This was a huge help for everyone involved during the festival, but also especially for the office team as we could «offload» the information for specific days already in advance , as there are so many moving parts on such a big project. During my time «task and project templates» where not existing. Now this makes it additionally easy :slight_smile: .

  • alignment and coordination with external creative agency for all communication material

  • having a centralized view on availability and distribution / licensing rights for movies using custom fields

  • agendas and meeting summaries for all internal meetings(team-meetings / kick-off meetings / 1to1s, etc.) and also with external sponsors and partners of the festival

  • workload tracking of all team-members

  • sales funnel and tracking for advertising sales

  • customer care / lost and found handling → we linked the contact and support form on our website with Asana through it’s API

  • gathering of ideas for movies for the next year

  • editorial calendar for social media and newsletter planning

  • tracking of sponsorship invoicing and payments

I hope this gives you some inspiration. Feel free to hit me up, if you want to exchange in more details. Which film festival are you involved in?



very nice insights into your organization of the openair cinema. It seems you really used Asana as pivotal point for all activities. This is very inspiring :slight_smile:


Thanks guys!

Well Said & Thanks for shared that amazing Guidence!

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