I have a CSV with a list Start Date/Time and End Date/Time. How can I map that to be contained inside the Asana Due Date architecture? If there is no way to map it via the CSV importer is there a way to reformat it in excel before I ingest the data into Asana?
Hi @Chip_Yeager , welcome to the forum
Date formats need to be in US format, i.e. MM/DD/YY as you can see in the example in the Asana Guide here.
If they are in this format, the CSV importer will allow you to choose them when you select ‘Make changes’ before you select ‘Go to project’ so you can select the start date and the due date from the drop down options of your CSV’s column headers.
mapping the start date is a Premium feature
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Hi Richard, your replied to this question about date formatting when importing using CSV. My question is a variation on this. I have a 1000 line csv with a start date column and due date column. I would like the CSV to be able to import both the start date and due date into the standard asana due date column for tasks showing one as the start date and one as the due date - I cannot find a way to do this, i have tried multiple ways by using both columns and have also tried combining both dates in the one field : If I combine the columns in my csv such that the column field shows start and end dates, the importer suggests a new custom field and does not give me the option of selecting the due date column. is there another way to do this? if not, I will have to import just the due date and then manually go through each task to add the start date - hoping this is not the case, but secretly fear it is!!!
Thanks, Paul
OK, have now managed to get it to work. start date in separate column, use the make changes option and then select the start date with a play emoj next to it - got it to work with one task line, now to try with multiple!!!
OK, now managed to get it to work with multiple lines - however had to reformat a couple of rows - also found out that when using the make change option, if you hover your mouse over the field it tells you which rows are invalid and why you cannot select the start date field
Hey @Paul_Hayes, glad to see you have managed to crack it!
The CSV importer does take a few trials sometimes before one gets it right!
In ALL cases, make sure to always choose ‘Make changes’ to make sure your fields will always map correctly
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