Date Format for .csv import

I am trying to import a .csv file with a due date column and then reassign it to the due date on the task itself in Asana. I am able to import all data and reassign a column to use as a section but the option to use an imported column as a due date is gray and unavailable. It says it needs to be in date format. I have tried several different date formats and each time the option still not available. HELP!

Hi @hellosaraflowers! Welcome to the Forum! :wave:

Sorry to hear you are running into this issue. To be able to import Due Dates with CSV importer, you need to use the standard US date format of month/day/year.

You can read more about the CSV Importer in the following Guide article: Asana CSV Importer • Asana Product Guide

I hope this helps you resolve the issue but if it doesn’t, just let me know here and I’ll be more than happy to assist you further! Looking forward to your reply!

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I am using the correct date format but am not sure if I had the correct header. I will revisit. Thanks-

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I have the same issue - did you manage to fix it?

Hi- I didn’t fix it. My client decided she needed to revisit all her dates and plans on manually entering them in a type of audit. In a small way, I am a bit satisfied that someone had the same issue. Maybe it wasn’t just me and my frustration won’t be wasted because it will bring attention to a problem that wasn’t known before.

It’s definitely possible there is a simple fix we couldn’t find. Hopefully, someone will jump in and let us know.

Thanks for keeping the post alive. Good luck!

I believe I am having some luck

Had to use the date format of MM/DD/YY

Had to delete any date where Start Date >= Due Date

Used a template formated like this:

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This looks great. Thanks for following up! Good job :slight_smile:

Our program team is global so the international date format the integrated teams use in other countries is dd/mm/yy. Does Asana only support the USA standard mm/dd/yy? If so, we would love to see the international date format dd/mm/yy supported as well.


Hi - any news on this? It seems rather insular and narrow minded to only support the US format, when the rest of the world uses the dd/mm/yy format… Date format by country - Wikipedia


Hi all, I had the same issue and what helped me at the end of the day was this article: Formatting Dates for CSV Imports

It has been created for a different tool, but the same functionality.

Does it work for you? Cheers, Ramona