Asana-Desktop spell check multiple languages.

Unbelievable that this still has not been addressed. If multi language spell check is too complex, at least allow to turn off completely. The app is unusable when writing in non-english language.

What is the status of this?

This is bad. What is the status?

@Asana_Dev @Asana_Marketing

Any progress on 3 years looking for spellcheck? So odd…

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Still no Option to turn spellcheck off???

Relatedly, when using the Asana Add-in for Outlook, it is annoying that the search bar tries to spell-check everything before letting you attach an email as a comment to an Asana task. It basically adds confusion or a couple of mouse-clicks to each use of the add-in. That search bar should not have a spell-check function, in my view. Thanks!