Add U.K. English as an option in Settings > Display > Language

Alerts for spelling mistakes which are not mistakes is very annoying.’

This seems to be an easy fix for such a large user group

Do you mean the Asana app itself has spelling mistakes?

I’m sorry, it looks like the first sentence I meant to post is missing for some reason (I must have deleted it somehow).

I was questioning why U.K. English is not an option in the language settings.

Again, apologies for what turned out to be a very confusing post.

Oh you mean in addition to US English? thanks for clarifying!

Hi @Jordan_Douglas_Cox, and thanks for reaching out!

I’m still a little unclear on your request, are you referring to the Asana app or email notifications? Do you mind elaborating on your feedback a little bit more?

Thank you!

Hi, in asana, under Display in Settings, I see that only US English is allowed as an option for the English language. How do I get asana to use UK English instead? I am using UK English, hence it is very annoying when words are spelt correctly in UK English, but its flagged as incorrect relative to US English.

E.g in the above sentence, “spelt” is flagged as incorrect by asana, but that is because it is using US English, which defines the past tense of spell as spelled. In UK English, both spelt and spelled are acceptable as the past tense of spell.

Welcome, @anon4020498,

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Ok thanks =)

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