Asana Billing Timezone

Hi all, just a quick question here. What timezone does Asana use for billing. Is it the timezone associated with our Account or is it another timezone like UTC? For example, If I have a June 2nd renewal. Is that hitting at Midnight in my timezone or is that hitting at midnight in Asana’s timezone.

Interesting question @wxChris13
Out of interest, is there a reason for this?

@Marie and @Emily_Roman any idea?

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As a partner, all the billing we deal with is usually tied to the San Francisco team. But I guess you are asking about automatic billing so I don’t know :slight_smile:

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Hello @wxChris13,

Let me check this with our team and get back to you :slight_smile:


Hello @wxChris13, I got confirmation that all accounts updates (renewals, upgrades, cancellations) are all processed according to the UTC timezone. In your example, a June 2nd renewal would occur at midnight on June 2nd UTC. This won’t necessarily correspond to the same date and time as oyu local area, so you may see the changes reflected on June 1st or 3rd depending on where you’re based in the world. I hope this helps!

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Great! Thanks @Marie

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Thank you for the confirmation!


Our internal procurement is asking so our cards can be opened up for a period of time due to the amount. More or less internal policy reasons.


Understood. Thanks for explaining :slight_smile:

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