Archived projects still in project list

I archived a project but it still appears in the project list, when I create new tasks and want to sort them to a specific task. How can I hide them there?

Hi @Tim_Dethlefsen, thanks for reaching out. Do you mean that the project still appears in your sidebar? Would you be able to give us more details on that? Generally speaking, once archived, the project will disappear from everyone’s sidebar and from search results. Though an archived project will not show in search by name, its individual tasks will still appear in search results.



it doesn’t appears in the sidebar. So far I just saw it in the project list when creating a new task not being in a specific project.

Hi @Tim_Dethlefsen, thanks for clarifying that. I understand what you mean now. Asana shows you the “archived” icon so you know that the project in question is archived, but unfortunately, it’s not possible to prevent these archived projects from populating in the “Add to Project” field. Apologies for any inconvenience here, Tim!

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My archived projects still show in sidebar. They didnt use to, but they just reappeared.

My archived projects also remain in the sidebar. They have the archived icon beside them. image

Never mind. I logged out and back in again, archived project had disappeared. All good!

Along these lines … I would expect the home page screen to either NOT show archived projects or at least move them into their own group at the bottom beneath the Recent Projects.

This would be very helpful.

Even just rearranging by color would be helpful as I change all archived projects to grey so I know not to do anything with them. Really wish they would move OFF the active space.


I agree with Micelle8, such future will be great.
Please kindly add separate section on home page (below all active - recent projects) for archived projects.


I am trying to gather Asana bugs and feature requests that are at least 3 years old with no action by Asana into a common place to increase visibility for the community forum. Please add your favorites.
Started a topic to discuss and with link to a shared spreadsheet here: Bugs and Feature requests atleast 3 years old

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What’s the rationel for displaying archived projects here?

Never mind. I just found out that I can delete archived projects. Was very glad to find this option!