Remove archived (or possibly deleted) projects from the Projects dropdown list, on task detail panel (web-app)

I use the web app on Chrome. When I want to specify a project for a task in the task detail panel (on the right) the drop-down list is

  • very long as it contains a lot of archived or deleted projects
  • not sensitive to what I type. Typing the first letters of the desired item does not jump to it.
    This is similar to the unanswered Archived projects still in project list.

I wanted to delete archived projects, yet didn’t find them. When I dropdown the title word “Project” in the left black pannel, there is a “Browse projects” that leads to a disappointing “No projects match your search” (although I have projects in the left black pannel, surprisingly empty list here).

Any solution to the two above problems ?

Hello @Marcel_Brouillet, I am unaware of a way to remove them from the list, but you can make them less visible as outlined in @Bastien_Siebman 's post here. Keep in mind that the predictive list will always show the most recently visited projects first though.

If you have access to the advanced search feature, you can select Project for the “Type” and then specify archived for the “Status”. This will return a full list of archived projects that you can then go into and permanently delete, should you choose to do so.

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Thank you for your link. The problem is that I can’t access these projects anywhere. They don’t appear in the black side-bar. They don’t appear under “Browse projects” that is obviously broken for my account as the list is totally empty.
Hence, I can’t rename them either (which is the solution in @Bastien_Siebman 's post).
What I did notice is that deleting a project, logging out and logging back in, takes them out of the dropdown list. So finding them back and deleting these archived projects would be effective.

In my initial post, there was also the following surprise: items from the dropdown list don’t get selected as I start to type them. The substring that I typed gets bold wherever it appears in the list values (even when unique occurence).

I would expect to type the first letters + Enter to apply them. The process is more tedious, as it involves typing a few letters, getting my hand on the mouse to scroll through a long list back and forth, clicking on the item, then bringing my hands back on keyboard.

Is this the intended behaviour ?

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