Approval Dependancy

Marking a task/subtask as an approval and assigning that to a member is great for reporting. However, adding a dependency on an approval task which limits the next task from being completed until the approval has been made would be really helpful.

Similarly, it would be good practice for the project to be entirely completed until all approvals have been marked as approved by the assigned member.


Hi @anon6506817, welcome to the Asana Community Forum! You can certainly mark a task dependent on an approval task and when you approve the task, this will be also marked complete so you can continue working on the task that was blocked by the approval task:

In regards to your second question, you can add your vote to support this feature here: Mark a project for completion

I hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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For approval dependancies…: I see for some reason that you cannot create dependancies when editing a template… That appears to be why it was not working when I tested it. I will try create a new task, add the dependencies and then convert to template and see if that works.


Just tried. Created the task, made all my dependancies on approval steps, converted task to template, but none of the dependancies were applied.

Any thoughts?

Template Version:


New Task created from Template version:


I also notice that the subtask of the “Send Quote” task is not copying from the template creation either