Great work and thumbs up! Really great how you keep looking for the gaps and provide solutions and still always happy to help out.
@Marie I am thinking out loud here - since there are a lot of workarounds needed and most are solved by people like Phil, maybe it makes sense to have a “locked” thread for each such solution or a thread with all solutions - something like a marketplace. I know that Asana has this on the website, but no everything is there and some of those tools are reeeealllly useful. Bastien also has some really nice tricks in the sleeve, the ability to add rules My Tasks via Flowsana is a game changer for a lot of companies. What do you think?
That’s a great idea, but in practice, it’s very hard for us to keep these threads up to date. With that said, we encourage developers like Phil to advertise their tools in the integrations category and in any thread where they can offer a solution.
No, unfortunately not; we’d love to be able to support this scenario but the Asana API (programming interface) doesn’t provide access to anyone’s My Tasks other than that of the Asana user who connects/authenticates to Flowsana.