I am trying to have the following rule apply to the subtasks of my project through flowsana, but I’m not figuring it how to do that? Could you help me?
On my asana project I have the following rule:
If a task is unblocked and assigned to team member X, then task is added to project Y
At this moment, through asana this rule is working but only works on tasks. I need it to work on the subtasks too…can I use flowsana for that, how?
Hi @Karla_Baaklini, thanks for reaching out!
@Phil_Seeman, Flowsana’s creator, would be best equipped to answer this for you!
Can you help here, Phil? 
Thanks Rebecca! Let’s wait for Phil’s reply!
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This is now available in Flowsana - you can have any of its rules trigger for just top-level tasks, just subtasks, or both!
Hi @Karla_Baaklini!
At the moment Flowsana has the same limitations that Asana does in terms of its rule triggers not operating on subtasks.
We have done some experimenting and I believe will be able to support triggers on subtasks, but more work needs to be done before that’s something that can be released.
Hi @Phil_Seeman ,
Thank you for your reply. I understand the limitations, however is there a way to accomplish what I need with the rule workflow in flowsana (if-then triggers)?
What I need is to have the following rule applied to subtasks:
If a task/subtask is unblocked and assigned to team member X, then task is added to project Y
Thanks again!
Best Regards,
Hi @Karla_Baaklini,
Not at the moment, sorry!
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Oh, I’m really sorry to hear that! I hope this feature will be available soon!! I’ll definitely subscribe to flowsana if it is made available. Any idea if and when this should be running? Thanks again!
It’s pretty high on the priority list but I’m reluctant to make any time commitments. 
This is now available in Flowsana - see Applying rules to a subtasks using flowsana - #4 by Phil_Seeman above.
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