I moved to ToDoist when I realized this was never going to get added to the Asana ecosystem. Such a shame Asana has stagnated over recent years. I’d probably come back if they had an Apple Watch app.
I used this video to set it up with Shortcuts and it works pretty well, I’d still love a native app though.
Hey Dev opps,
This is a no brainer for your next feature. It just makes sense. Let me know if you require a beta tester
Keep up the great work,
Another vote for an Apple Watch interface! That’s an essential feature for being able to add tasks on the go. Might be a deal breaker without it and I might just stick with Todoist.
Please Please Please make an apple watch integration. I love your product but have to switch to another one because I want my todos on my Apple watch. But all the other todo apps are really really bad. I don’t need to create or edit tasks. just show them on my watch and let me tick them off there. the rest I’ll do on my phone.
Asana, you really need to step up your effort to develop a watch app. This will greatly improve the app stickiness and be more useful to customers. Especially reminders of tasks due etc.
Happy to pilot an app too. This would allow me to ditch using iOS Reminders as a capture tool for my new tasks. I am very reliant on Siri to create my tasks as they come to me and if I can’t get them captured via my watch it’s a bummer. Keep up the great work!
adding my vote
Back to Asana after some years I was hoping some simple up to date features
So yep, adding my vote too, very useful watch app but well… for now I have to ditch Asana.
Please - create an Apple Watch App!
Please do this.
Even a simple implementation like having ‘your tasks’ list on Apple Watch with the ability To add a task would be great.
I think you need this app to stay relevant in this app category.
I just got my first Apple Watch and am extremely surprised that there is no watch app for Asana. For corporate users who are on the go a lot, this would be very useful. Also interesting that your users have been begging for this feature for years while some of your competitors already have Apple Watch apps.
Desperately want an Asana Apple Watch app. Just want to see tasks from my calendar view and mark them as done! Looking elsewhere now for other apps that have this capability. Anyone have any suggestions?
Hi guys, I had the same problem like you. Then I decided we will solve this.
My company and I have developed a app for the apple watch to target asana. Asana is the first integration, but won’t be the last one.
The features it currently supports are:
- Create a task via audio-input
- Comment to a task via audio-input
What features we are thinking about:
- List tasks
Every audio is transcribed, enhanced by ai (if you like) and to be really save, the original audio will also be attached to the task
Currently this app called Dictautomate is in private beta.
If you want to have early access, shape the features or just make sure this will really be available in the app store, join the beta.
or just let me know what you think: dictautomate@araucon.de
It’s 2024 now… Can we please get an Asana Apple watch App? Or an update on this? Our whole company runs on Asana and this would be a huge value add.
Hello, Is there any update on this feature, please?
Happy to announce that we’ve now released the app: DictAutomate - Voice automatio im App Store
@Marie Hi Marie! Can you vet out this new dictation app and let us know if Asana supports its use and developer? Thanks!
@thecatden Just tried. Works like a charm. Tested creating a task and attaching a task.
Creating a task is stunning, it also generates a perfect task name and removes my ohs, ähs and ehms.
Attaching is not completely straight forward. You need to have a 5 digit number like "59855: " prepended before to your task title so the app can identify the task. Then you can say e.g. “59855 buy the milk with 1% fat” or something like that. I’ve an automation which assigns the numbers with make.com when a new task is created. But i hope this will be integrated in the DictAutomate app in the future.