Anonymity between 2 teams and guests

Hello, I am new to Asana. In general, this is how my organization wishes to set up the visibilities for our projects between the Front end team and Back end team.

  1. Client and Backend team should not be able to see each other’s names, profiles and tasks.
  2. (Not sure if this is possible) Link the tasks in such a way where Front&Client chat is not visible by the Backend team, and Front&Back chat is not visible by the client.

Any advice would be much appreciated! Thanks!


Hi @Mahindra_Singh and welcome to the forums!

Thanks for providing the visual, this is very helpful for understanding what you are trying to achieve here. My suggestion would be to do the following:

  1. Create an Asana Team for your Front End Team, set it to private and only invite the Front End Team members and the Guests. This will be where you create the projects that you want your Guests to be able to see and where your Front End Team will chat and collaborate with them. Since the team is set to private, no one outside the team (i.e. Back End Team) can see the projects or what is happening in the projects. Here is a article on how to build teams in Asana
  2. Create another Asana Team that will include the Front End team members and the Back End team members but do not include the Guests in this team. Create Projects here that you only want the Front and Back end teams to be able to see.
  3. For any tasks you want everyone to see, use the multi-project feature for Asana tasks to have that task live in projects on both Asana Teams.

This should give you the visibility permissions you are looking for within Asana. If you need additional help please let us know!



However a guest will see all the members of the org in the Assignee field, and could send them Messages or mention them, correct @Matt_Dickinson ?

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I’m not sure about that. Perhaps they could, but I’ve never tried. Does anyone else know @ambforumleader ?

I am 99% sure. When I get invited by a client within a single project, I can see everyone in their org… :grimacing: @Julien_RENAUD @Arthur_BEGOU can you confirm?

I would say everyone except other guests.

Good point, as described here Who sees whom, a guide to guest visibility with Batman & Robin

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