Inviting guests to a project or team - privacy


In my particular use case, I’d like to invite Asana guests to either a project or a team (whichever one it will allow me to do) with privacy in mind. Namely, I don’t want the guests to be able to see each other’s name and contact information as confidentiality and privacy is central to my business.

Is this even possible in Asana?

Hi @Andrea_Thompson1

welcome to the :asana: Asana Forum!

When you have more than one guest they see each other as “private user”.
In order for guests to see one another’s names, they must be members of at least one project or team together.

All Details how working with guests in an organization works can be found here:

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If they both join the same aforementioned project though, does that not mean they WILL see each other?

Yes then they will see each other’s name

@Andrea_Thompson1 , alternatively you could just assign them tasks without adding them as members to the project. That way, they will not see each other and simply work on their assigned tasks collected in their My Tasks space.

Perhaps that may work for your case, however, note that, as Guests, they will not be able to see any custom fields in the project because they are not project members of that project.

If that is as show-stopper then you could create ‘twin’ projects for each guest (to be a member of), containing only their assigned tasks plus all your custom fields (added to your library). All these tasks would be multihomed into these ‘Guest’ projects from your ‘master’ project where only you are a member and only can see all tasks and all guests.