Android: No section mover for My Tasks

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:

  1. There’s no way to move tasks between sections in My Tasks except for using drag and drop. I recall the section chooser was promised at the same time as the rollout in the web version.
  2. The collapsed state of sections, like Later, was not being remembered, however I just checked this again today and right now it is working. Can you confirm a recent fix, or is this an intermittent problem.

I reported (1) May 12 or earlier, and (2) a while ago too.

(I also see the Mark Task For menu item still which should have been removed by now, but I understand this is handled in a separate report.)

Steps to reproduce:
Normal use.
I reinstalled and cleared the cache.

Browser version:
Android 6.74.1
I’m on the Android Beta

Upload screenshots below:


Thanks for flagging this @lpb! I’ll pass this on to the Engineering team and let you know when I have any updates! :slight_smile:


This part (2), which I suspected might have been fixed, in fact is still broken. Today my previously-collapsed Later section appeared open; it’s not reliably remembering state, so both 1 and 2 are still outstanding problems.



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Thanks for this update, @lpb. Our Engineers on working on a fix for both of these issues. I’ll let you know as soon as I have any updates :slight_smile:


Excellent, many thanks, @Rebecca_McGrath!

Just got the new “My Tasks” view a couple days ago and was super stoked. Definitely see the potential in many ways.

This was the nail in the coffin for organizing my tasks in the morning from bed though. Definitely gotta wait until I get to the computer :grimacing:

Thanks for working on getting this fixed! For the record, I’m still seeing the “Mark Task As: Today/Upcoming/Later” in the 3 dot overview menu which has also been deprecated and doesn’t actually do anything.

Thanks so much!


Hi all :wave:t2: I have an update from our Product team :arrow_down:

Our Product team has confirmed that the lack of a Section mover is not a bug but currently intended behaviour as they had not planned to build this into the Android app. I’ll keep you posted if this changes in the future but this is not currently the plan.

Regarding the Mark Task For issue, a fix is being pushed with the next Android app update :slight_smile:

I hope this helps!

@Rebecca_McGrath, It was never made clear with the rollout of My Tasks v2 that the Android app would no longer be a place to effectively triage My Tasks anymore. In fact, I recall an assurance explicitly that this would be rolled out on mobile at the same time as the web app when I asked. (I spent a moment trying to find this but couldn’t and don’t have more time to devote to this now.) Very disappointing.

How does the product team suggest one moves tasks among sections in My Tasks on Android now if you have more than a few. And after all, that was one of the main points of My Tasks v2–to let you make your own sections. I don’t understand the position that there’s no need to have a plan to restore this capability.



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@Rebecca_McGrath, Here are the messages I referred to:



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