Hi everyone!!! I wonder how can I add a Report in Favorites.
I remember that I did before, but now I can’t.
At the top of the search results task list, click the Save Report button
Then click the Search Actions menu (“…”) which is next to the Search Results page title.
In the menu, click Rename Search….
I just stumbled over this too the other day. What threw me was that the Rename Search… menu item doesn’t exist in the Search Actions menu until after your click Save Report.
Asana folks, perhaps the menu should include Save & Rename Report… until the first save is done to make this more discoverable, and fewer clicks. (Another options is making Rename Report… inactive until save, but if going this route a tooltip explaining how to activate it would also be needed and is more clunky I think.)
Larry Berger
Asana2Go & Trilogi Software: Asana Consulting
Thanks Larry, as you said I can save the Report, and I want to see it on the go, I mean, in my devices (cel phone or table) in my favorites section, otherwise I don’t know how get the Report.
Hi @lpb. I just install Asana2Go
Sorry, I didn’t realize you were talking about the mobile version; I see saved reports don’t appear for Android at least. Maybe request this in product feedback?
Thanks for installing Asana2Go!
Larry Berger
Asana2Go & Trilogi Software: Asana Consulting
@GUSTAVO Your confusion is understandable as Favorites, Reports and Saved Searches have changed since last year. @Marie can confirm this but here is my understanding:
IOS Mobile App:
If you create a saved search in Asana it will show up in Reports. On the mobile app both what you are thinking of as Favorites and Reports show under Projects on the left side as Favorites. The confusion is that the app often shows what we now know as reports to have a starr next to them.
Prior to the adding of the reports section you use to be able to use the star on the name of a Saved Search to add to Favorites. Favorites no longer consist of Saved Searches but instead are made up of Projects that you have clicked the star to show in favorites. In addition under Favorites you will see projects that you most recently used as well as if you did an advanced search it will show as Search Results.
If you save an Advanced Search, it will then show up under Reports. After you have saved it you can click the 3 little dots next to it to rename it.
Both Favorites and Reports can be manually re-arranged.
One other thing, sorting capabilities of projects are different than sorting capabilities of Searches.
Advanced Search Sorting:
Project Sorting:
So in the end try to Save an Advance Search, rename it to your desire and it will show up as a Report. Favorites on web Asana are as described above but IOS app includes both Web Favorites and Web Reports under the tab Favorites. Others can be sure an weigh in if I have this wrong.
Thanks for the detailed explanations @James_Carl! This is all % correct!
Thanks @James_Carl, I use Android, so the Android app includes only Web Favorites and NOT Web Reports under the tab Favorites.
Hi @Marie! do you know when the Android app it will be working as the IOs app for this case, I mean, include Reports in Favorites?
We also would love to see the reports on Android.
Ah! Now I know why the training webinar I am following is just a tad different. Thank you.
Sorry for the late follow-up @GUSTAVO; I don’t have an update to share at the moment, but I’ll make sure to keep you posted as soon as I do!
Thanks Marie!
I rely on Saved Reports for my workflow–particularly my “Next Actions” report and my “Upcoming Deadlines” report, which are sorted according to a custom tagging scheme and due dates, respectively. Since I can’t see Saved Reports in Android, I can only get a garbled list of My Tasks. This makes the Android app essentially useless to me.
Thanks for sharing your feedback @Katriel_Friedman; I’ve gone ahead and merger it with Android: Add Reports in Favorites to consolidate feedback, so feel free to add your vote to the main thread
Okay, I’ve figured out that in the Android app I can bring up the list with everyone’s tasks for a project by Searching for the project, and that’s the only way I’ve found to do that, even when I’m already looking at that project. Is there some menu or something where I can just choose to display everyone’s tasks for the current project?
It would be fantastic if I could just have everyone’s tasks come up by default.
Hi @Drew_Tronvig! If I get this right, you’re looking to see all tasks for all your colleagues, is that correct?
The only way to do this would be to run a Advanced Search via the web version for all tasks assigned within a specific (or multiple) Teams. You could then filter these results by Assignee and Save this Search. The Search will then be available from the mobile app via your Project List and will show all tasks assigned by Members.
Hope this helps! Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with!
I used to be able to see the list of custom reports on my mobile app but can no longer. Is that a setting I can change back?
Hi Marie, this functionality does not seem to work anymore? I was using it earlier, but since some time I don’t see my searches in the Android App anymore. Was is disabled, or is it somewhere else now? cheers, Nick
Interesting @Nick_Golovin; let me check this with our mobile team; I’ll be in touch as soon as I have an update!
Hi @Nick_Golovin; just got an update from our Team, they are aware of the issue and are definitely planning to fix; that said I don’t have a precise timeline to share at the moment, so sorry about that. I’ll make sure to update this thread as soon as we get it fixed!