Allow Users to Filter Out Archived Projects/Tasks from Reports

We are trying to implement using the universal reporting features for our organization, but it is not useful to us at this time because it includes archived projects and the tasks contained within those projects. There should be a setting option when creating the reporting dashboard/charts to include or not include archived projects/tasks in the data.

I have seen somebody mention a workaround of moving all the archived projects to an Archive team and not selecting that team in the reporting, but we need the archived projects to remain in the team they were originally held in so that workaround does not fit our needs. Please consider this update as it would make the reporting feature usable and helpful for us!


Hey @anon579376,

since you are interested in this feature you might also be interested in excluding archived projects from advanced search results :wink: If so you can upvote here: Exclude archived projects from advanced search


I voted on that one earlier also :+1: Thanks!

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Hi @anon579376, thanks for taking the time to provide this feedback.

This enhancement is on our Product teams radar so hopefully it is something they can implement soon. Keep an eye out for updates! :slight_smile:


This is great to know! I have been keeping an eye on this very thing - we have SO many archived projects and tasks that having the ability to filter those out and get reports to actually report on ACTIVE thing is so HUGE.

Yes @John_T ! I can’t believe that this doesn’t have more votes yet!


Sooo many people have been asking for archived tasks to be hidden away since 2017, whether in reports, My Tasks, or search. I am astounded that Asana has not yet implemented this.

Has there been any movement on getting archived projects excluded from advanced search? It’s a major problem for our team, and it’s been 18 months since you said that the ‘enhacement is on [your] team’s radar.’

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Why would we want reports about archives projects, Asana? The software is completely missing the point of the semantics of ‘reporting’.

This is very disappointing and not reassuring that people have been asking for it since 2017. What’s taking so long to add a filter so we can only see incomplete tasks of current projects, not archive ones?

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Any update on this actually becoming a reality? This is a big deal for many reasons others have already outlined.


This basically makes metrics completely useless.

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Archived projects should be removed from reporting and tasks should be taken off of people’s tasks. Currently, it seems that archiving a project has no real functionality.

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We are still waiting for this I guess. Seven years later.

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Let’s hope today’s Product Roadmap event has an update on this. :crossed_fingers:t6:

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Still nothing, @Rebecca_McGrath ? Please post an update.

Seriously, this is kind of insane, you guys.

You run one of the most known project management platforms on the planet, and you cannot find a way to exclude archived tasks from My Tasks, reports, and advanced searches?

I see quotes from community leaders saying this is the "expected behavior“. I can tell you there is not a person in the real world managing projects that expects archived tasks to show up in “My Tasks” or in reports.

And literally all you have to do is make an option to in team or project settings to “not include tasks from archived projects”. In seven years, no one has been able to tackle this?

You know you have competitors, right? You know you’re comparatively expensive, right? Just figure this out, guys.


@Rebecca_McGrath or @Emily_Roman Is there any update on this?

I think this is a necessary feature.
So, +1 vote.

I would like to see archived projects to be excluded from:

  • “Manage Individual Projects” Notifications Settings. When you click on this option to set settings, all projects - past and present - appear in a continuous list.
  • Super Admin Member report. Having the ability to filter out archived reports to get a more accurate representation of current projects.