Yep! Sure enough this seems to be the case.
- that’s a bummer. I set up the following Rules within My Tasks V2:
Rules A, B and C are setup to move tasks to their designated section IF the tasks are also unblocked, as seen in Rule A here:
My hope was that Rules created FIRST they would run FIRST. Given such, I would be able to create Rule E which is the same as A, B and C except it doesn’t include the “Task is no longer blocked” trigger. Essentially, this would then move all BLOCKED tasks to a dedicated section so I could see which I might need to help get unstuck to do my part. It would do this because all tasks that were NOT BLOCKED would have already moved to their designated sections through Rules A, B and C.
Unfortunately, because Rules aren’t executed in any particular order, Rule E seemed to run before Rule A but not before Rule B or C. This caused all the tasks I expected to see in the Today section moved to the Blocked section instead
Because there isn’t a “Task is blocked” trigger, I am not able to accomplish this (and not have to worry about the order in which Rules are ran). Therefore, it seems I have to manually move blocked tasks UNLESS this is something Flowsana might help me achieve. @Phil_Seeman does Flowsana support Rules in My Tasks?