I am using AI studio to create a smart rule that should read a custom field in a task, compare it to names of projects in a portfolio, and multi-home the task into the appropriate project associated with it based on matching the project name/custom field.
It appears the rule is working correctly, and AI is identifying what it needs to do, but it does not appear to have access to my portfolio. I enabled the rule in a project, but want the AI to see all the projects in a portfolio. I @mention the portfolio in the guidance, but want the rule to be on the loook out for projects that may not have been created yet, so i cannot @mention them.
Is there any way to give AI studio permission to use data from a portfolio?
I ran into the same issue with one of my rules. I noticed they recently added the ability to @mention teams—so hopefully, they’ll do something similar for portfolios soon. That way, you won’t have to manually list and update projects.
Correct, this is a current limitation. Only tasks, projects (and now teams) can be mentioned effectively
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Thanks, Bastien
If the projects contained in the porfolio I’d like examined are owned by a team, would tagging that team in the instructions give the assistant the ability to read the names of all projects owned by that team? When I try replacing the portfolio with a team in the instructions, it yields similar results, and the AI says it does not have access to the list of projects owned by the team. Is there a better way to phrase the instructions to ask the AI to access more projects- rather than mentioning them by name individually?
No, see AI Studio now supports at-mentioning teams! the team members and team admins is what you get in the context window.
Nope, that’s the only way, and even this is limited. We ran a few tests, and are discussing with Asana, it looks like you can’t mention more than 100 elements otherwise the rule can’t be saved.
What you are trying to do is currently not something AI Studio is equipped to handle I am afraid.
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