I have an email addy included in my submission form. Is there a way to get that field added as a collaborator?
Yes, for organization-only forms:
Hmmm, so there’s no way for just any email to be added as a collaborator? Is there another option to be able to notify external users on a state change? Desire is that the submitter of the issue be notified of updates.
I think you may need Flowsana.net for this (@Phil_Seeman), but you can search the Forum for other topics that cover this for more info.
Flowsana may be able to help but let’s get a little more info on your scenario:
Asana collaborators must be Asana users, whether full users or guests. So these form submitters you’re referring to, are they Asana users (or could they be, probably as guests), or are they just a person with an email address and they can’t or shouldn’t be an Asana user/guest user?
They are members of our staff but do not have an asana seat assigned
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