Asana has the search field “Created by”, I propose by analogy to add the search field “Completed by”. Now, if i need to find tasks closed by a specific person then I have to look for indirect signs, for example, search by collaborators, but still some of the tasks can not be found. It will be usefull for our QA and will make our work faster.
Thanks for the great feedback. I’m going to capture this for the team for considerations on future improvements to advanced search.
To make sure I understand correctly, I’d love to dig deeper with a few follow up questions. Are there frequent cases were the assignee is not the one who completes the task? And in these cases, is it important to report on both the assignee and the person who completed? How would they each be interacting with the task and its associated work?
Kaitie, thanks for the quick response.
Are there frequent cases were the assignee is not the one who completes the task?
For us this is a common situation and we have it every day.
And in these cases, is it important to report on both the assignee and the person who completed?
I did not quite understand the question, but in the case of an advanced search, only the person who completed the task is needed. The performer in this situation is not very useful.
How would they each be interacting with the task and its associated work?
This feature is needed for a third person so that he can see what tasks the person has closed and open some back. Interaction between the assignee and the person who closed the task is not necessary. But this is only our vision and someone might need it.
Also, sometimes, tasks do not have an assignee, (i.e. an agenda item topic, not an action item,) and I need to be able to run a search by Completed by.
I came to the forum to add this same topic. It is something I would like to see as well.
Would like to “bump” this and tack on a “modified by” field. We use tasks with intricate levels of subtasks as templates for onboarding, for example. It doesn’t make sense to assign every sub-task to each individual because it explodes their “My Task” view. So there is no assignee, the person responsible for the subtask or for delegating the subtask is the Root task owner. If I could search for sub-tasks with a root task owner of X, that would be handy! But I assume a Completed by field would be the cleaner implementation here. A field like this would allow me to track output and activity for staff. Show me everything with a “modification date” w/in the last X days that was “modified-by” or “completed-by” Y. Would be a great way to see what my staff are working on and get the scope of a day/week in a focused search!!
This really is one of those things that is silly not to have. We have been asking for it, literally for years, I know it doesn’t have votes, but I would venture to guess most users are not on the forum. This needs to be a searchable thing. You already have the audit trail to search from.
I second that
This is definitely needed to review overdue tasks that were assigned to one individual but had to be completed by another.
If this request was a child it would be in like 3rd grade now…
I currently need this because we just had an employee mark complete a task that wasn’t theirs to complete. Don’t know how as their not in the mentions, collaborators, subtasks, were never assigned to the task.
assigned to A, completed by B would be nice, and or completed by A, assigned to anyone but A would be cool too