Add as Follow Up. Will it take a license?

Hi All,

Can you please confirm if I add a person just as a follow up on tasks if they will take a license under the Team license? These people would have my same corporate email address.

Can you please advise?


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Hey @pedro_prada!

If you have a premium Team in a free Organization & you add an individual to collaborate on a Task within that premium Team, they will be viewed as a limited access member and thus will count toward your premium membership total. This will be the case whether they have a corporate email or not.

If you find yourself adding members of your Org for quick a follow up on Tasks, then I recommend you make sure to remove them from the Task/Project/Team you invited them to collaborate in once you’ve completed your collaboration, to ensure they no longer count toward your active member list. This would then free up the seat for someone else to occupy in the future.

Let us know if you have any questions!