Ability to Restore a Previous Version of a Form

I had a user accidentally edit a form in a project and since there’s no restore function, I have to edit it manually and try to remember what was changed to get it back to the way it was. It would be great if there was an auto-versioning function that we could restore to if a mistaken change was made.


Great feedback @pdmcdermott, thank you so much for sharing! I don’t believe this is planned just yet, but definitely something we’ll keep in mind as we continue toward improving forms!

I’ll keep you posted as soon as I have some news on my end :slight_smile:

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Thank you!

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What i would very much like, is that we provide users with different level of user rights.
If we disable 'Forms right" from a user, they should not be able to see the Form tab OR edit the Form at all.

Current user rights are: “Can Edit” OR “Can Comment”.

It would have been great if we had these User rights: “Can Modify”, “Can Delete”, “Can View”, “Can Comment”

Can View (Level 0 rights) - User in the project can see everything. Cannot Add a new task, cannot edit tasks, forms, rules, custom fields. They can only view

Can Comment (Level 1 rights) - Can view the entire project and can only add “Comments” to a task. These users cannot add tasks, edit tasks, cannot add form fields, cannot edit existing form fields

Can Modify (Level 2 rights) - Can add tasks, can modify forms by existing form name, title, description, associated fields, etc. but cannot delete existing form fields, can add comment, but cannot delete comments. can add tasks and deleted the tasks they created, but cannot delete tasks created by others.

Can Delete (Level 3 rights) - Is a super user, Can Add, Modify OR Delete anything in the project. Only the Project Owner, Asana Admin, OR other users that have Delete rights, should be able to provide other users with the ‘Delete’ rights.

Kindly let me know your thoughts and if there is such a development in pipeline?




Thanks for sharing your vision @anon41024217! I’ll share it with our team to consider for future updates!

Same thing happened to me. I did not know this was possible.
@Marie Can anyone with view access to a form delete the form? Is there any way to protect a form but still allow people to use it?

Same issue here - super frustrating! One of my users deleted the question on my form that all of the other questions were dependent on and it wiped out the whole thing!

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Hi @pdmcdermott, @SWM!
I’m a product manager at Rewind. We’re currently building a backup and restore solution that will allow you to undo any changes in your Asana’s projects. I’s love to have a chat with you to understand your Asana restore needs. Here’s my email, please reach out to me: maria.korolenko[at]rewind.io

Here’s more information on backup for Asana: Asana Backup and Restore - Rewind

I just had this happen as well. It would be really helpful to have version history, similar to google docs.

Hi Maria, thanks for reaching out! Sending you an email now.

Hi there!
Currently, changes made on Asana Forms are irreversible and no History tracking is enabled for them.
As a result, when one would like to revert back a change made on a form (for example - a deleted question), they:

  • Cant use the audit-logs endpoint to query this event type and investigate the incident.
  • Can’t have Asana Support revert back the change, or at least get an answer as to who made the change and when.

This request is for:

  • Adding form changes to the events available for audit-logs endpoint, so a client can self-serve and investigate without reaching out to the support team
  • Making form changes REVERTABLE, so that upon an admin request to support - not only they could advise who made the change, but they could also revert back the changes to the form’s previous state.

As this is an existing behavior for many asana resources (for example, Projects), the same behavior is expected for Asana Forms.


Hello @Ran_Oren
thanks for sharing your feedback! I agree this would be very helpful.

I have found this existing feedback request thread
Is there more to what you are asking for or do you think we can merge them?

Hi everyone!

For those who are looking for a solution for Asana backup and restore, check out FluentPro Backup. It allows users to choose what and when to back up and restore data according to their needs from a point-in-time backup copy. If you face data loss, corruption, or unwanted alteration, you can retrieve needed data in a few clicks.

Here is the guide for Asana backup and recovery. It will provide more info about FluentPro’s solution.

@Valeriia2, Does FluentPro actually have the capability to save project forms? The website says it uses Asana’s API, but the API doesn’t support forms. This thread is specifically about saving forms, not general backup, so I want to clarify. Finally, it seems that you work for/with this company; it’s a common practice here in the Forum to disclose this in posts that mention third-party products.



Thank you for the feedback.
Regarding the issue of saving forms, you are correct that FluentPro’s solution does not provide that functionality. I’ve replied on this forum to help anyone who is searching for an alternative backup solution for Asana.
Yes, I work for FluentPro and don’t want to mislead anyone otherwise. I am unable to edit my previous comment, but I will include this disclosure in future posts.

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Adding my +1 for permissions for forms. We are using Asana to manage facility work requests (plumbing, repair, construction, pool maintenance, etc.), and the team is not technical. I am not currently finding any way to protect my form from inadvertent edits, and the team’s admin assistant just edited the form instead of filling it out to submit a new request.

I was able to restore it (manually), and my current plan is to take screenshots of the form setup so that I have a record should anything happen again. Right now, there is no protection for even preventing a team member from deleting the form, and I would like to make it so that I am the only user who can make edits (or anyone I specifically designate).

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