Hey! We have recurring overview meetings every second business day, and have looked at using repeat tasks for this, but the options available don’t seem to suit. As is it, (as far as I’m aware) we’d have to have 5 separate recurring tasks, each set to their specific day of the week, two weeks apart.
I know others have asked for every specific day, but this is a little different.
Would it be possible to get this looked into/added in the future?
I am looking for an updated on the business-day feature for recurring items This is a must have for our department and is currently preventing us from fully onboarding. Any idea when this feature will be added?
We have tasks that we would like done the last Saturday of the month. As the number of any certain day that occurs each month is variable, the current system make us have to manually figure this out.
How is this not a feature? A serious limitation. Having business days and/or a global holiday calendar would seem like a central starting point and the backbone of a task/scheduler
Oct 23, 2023
As an alternative to the behavior you want, how about this?
I think it will work with the following rules.
Create a separate “Project (A)” for processing.
Create a rule for task duplication in “Project (A)”.
– Rule 1: When the task is due, if it is incomplete, mark it as completed. (If completed, do not process it.) Now, the original task is completed, so a repeating task will be automatically created.
– Rule 2: When the task is completed, move it to another “Section (B)”.
– Rule 3: When the task comes to “Section (B)”, mark the task as incomplete. Move it to the original section.
Multi-home “Task (C)” that you want to issue repeatedly on a regular basis to “Project (A)”.