Workload not setting graph red on days exceeding capacity

We use the workload view in a portfolio to keep an eye on Estimated Time, making sure no one is overloaded. However, it is no longer changing the graph color to red on days with too many hours. Troubleshooting I’ve tried includes the following - refreshing the page each time:

  • Toggling between days(small), days(large), and the other options
  • Changing my capacity to 5 hours
  • Using the Asana app (on macbook)
  • Filtering for just one person
  • Changing the “Maximum Estimated time per person per week” - this is the one that seems to solve the issue, however our staff all have different maximum estimated times, so this isn’t a viable solution

Anyone else experiencing this?

Weird, I just looked and it worked well. Can you share a few screenshots of the main view as well as capacity?

Here you are, @Bastien_Siebman . You’ll see that my capacity is set for 24h30m per week, but there are days with more than 4.9 hours, and those days are not red. Similar for “JA” - you’ll see their capacity is 30, but days with more than 6 hours are not red (there’s a day with over 8 hours that is red - this is (my theory) because the Max per person per week is set at 40).

No idea sorry. This is weird. @Arthur_BEGOU any clever idea?

@Jillian_Adkins :wave:
And when you “mouseover” a specific day, what is shown in the text box?
The daily capacity is supposed to show there.
example :

Hi @Arthur_BEGOU - I didn’t even think to check that. It’s showing 8 hours as my capacity (which is incorrect). I even double-checked, my capacity is set to 24.5 hours/week (about 5/day). Do I open a support ticket at this point?

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Hi All, I’m having the same issue. This is my first time setting up a portfolio workload view, so I wasn’t sure what I should expect to see and it made setting a capacity seem pointless since there was no visual indicator. Good to know there issupposed to be one lol.

I use a custom Expected Time field from my org’s library, not sure if that makes a difference.


Hey @Jillian_Adkins

In that case, yes, I believe that’s a bug. :person_shrugging:

I would suggest opening a ticket with as much information as possible

  • Screenshot of the capacity setting
  • Screenshot of the result (mouseover on a specific day).

All the best :wave:

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Thanks. Looks like I’ll use their temporary help form, since the help site is also experiencing issues.


I wasn’t even aware of that form :person_shrugging:

@Julio_V Would you please confirm this form is valid for forum users?

Yes @Arthur_BEGOU , this is the temporary form, as announced here:

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Thanks @Richard_Sather :+1:

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