What if the global custom field is “duplicated” to another project? We are trying to set up a project that contains all of our teams workflows as sections, which should allow users to easily copy a section to anther project. I’d like all the values set (assignee, which is an asana field AND team which is a global custom field) to copy into the new project with their values. Is this possible?
Welcome, @Brenda_Simpler1,
Did you see the solution to this topic? I think that’s the same answer to your question:
Thanks, Larry - I’m not trying to have the task visible in two projects with the same value in the global custom field. I’m trying to have a copy/duplicate of the same task with all the details, living in two separate projects. I want me team to be able to keep the value of the global custom field (team) and copy a group of tasks across multiple projects, while keeping the custom field value. Is that possible?
I’ve moved these posts to a new topic because they don’t relate to the topic of the past category.
I don’t think there’s an option to copy a custom field value for a task when using Duplicate section.
You can search in Product Feedback for a request like that and vote, or add a new one there.
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