Hi. I am an admin for our company. My colleague set up a framework for team goals but I am the person who needs to populate the subgoals. Right now, the only way this appears to be possible is for her to transfer ownership of goals to me.
We feel like any admin should be able to go in and change things like goal ownership. We are able to do this for projects (change project owners), but to have this locked up at the level of our company goals is a big liability and limitation. I’ve also not found ANYTHING in the Asana documentation around this.
Hi @anon59230611,
I think this is happening because the Goals have been set as “Comment-only” see screenshot.
Your colleague can change sharing settings, like in a project with an individual or a team. More on that in the paragraph “Sharing a goal with a team” of this article.
Your colleague could change that to “anyone in the company can edit” if wished.
Which approach you guys to take depends on the number of Goals that would have to be shared manually and the potential risk of unwished changes by other colleagues.
If something is still missing, you can also send feedback from the sharing module directly. If the above has not solved your issue, please let us know
I hope this helps.