Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing: When updating my tasks, the comments, status of the task, and assigned team member are not saving.
Steps to reproduce: Go to completed task, reopen task, assign to new team member, added a comment in the comment section.
I’m seeing the same behavior, FWIW. The status page has a “minor service outage” reported. I’m glad it’s minor for someone, because I’d file this under “completely unusable”
I am “completing” tasks, and when I refresh the page, it shows not completed. Likewise, I went to update a project status and when I went back to the page, the old status still showed. It’s like groundhogs day.
I recommend to keep checking the status page as there seem to be some partial outages: which will hopefully be resolved soon.
Hi everyone, sorry for the trouble and for the delay! We had a partial outage yesterday impacting some of our features, but everything is back to normal. I’m moving this topic to our Closed section, but please let me know if you are still experiencing any issues!