What happened to the tasks per month dashboard view?

In Dashboards, there used to be a “tasks per month” chart but it disappeared and I’m no longer able to readd a chart like this. Has anyone had the same experience or is abel to create a chart like this? I’m attempting to visualize work across 12 months to identify overloaded or dead months in order to better distribute workload where possible.

Hey @Stacey_Miller

do you mean tasks completed per month?

You can set up all kinds of different graphs such as for example:

More info here: Using charts on project dashboards to track progress | Product guide • Asana Product Guide

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Volume of Tasks due per month. The dashboard used to have a chart that would allow you to list the months/dates on the X axis (Jan, Feb, March, etc.) and then the volume on the Y axis. Suddenly, that chart removed itself from my dashboard and I can’t seem to recreate it.

Hi @Stacey_Miller,

I tried creating a chart based on your explanation. Not sure how you were able to get the months on the X axis, but I have them on the Y axis in this example.


Thanks Mike! Funny enough, the chart was prepopulated in my dashboard and I didn’t create it - then it disappeared and I’m still not able to recreate it. I don’t get the same options that you do on the right hand side when creating a chart. Is it because this feature is only available in Portfolios? I have Premium.

Hi @Stacey_Miller,

I have it based on teams as well. Can you try that and see what happens?

Charts are available from Premium plans already so that shouldn‘t be the issue

Appreciate you taking the time Mike, I neglected to say that in my first message.
When I go to the overarching “Reporting” tab, “add dashboard” and “new chart” I’m able to replicate your screenshot above except there is no month parameter displaying:

When I go to my project, then the Dashboard tab, then add chart, my options are even more limited and still no “month” parameter:

Hm weird indeed.
I checked also and for me the time period shows too.
Maybe Asana is still rolling out some things with all the updates to reporting, workflow this February.

I recommend contacting support and I am sure they will be able to assist as they have more insight.
Don’t forget to include your screenshots and this thread link for them so they have all info available.


Hm or it might have to do with the new burnup chart and new completion metrics functionality that is only available for business plan and enterprise


Thank you for also taking a look Andrea, appreciate you taking the time.

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Hi @Stacey_Miller,

I think Andrea is correct that the feature you desire is on the business plan instead of premium.

Thanks Mike.

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