[Dashboards] Report for Tasks completed in a specific month


Im exploring the new reporting dashboard features. There is a lot of customizability which is great.

However, I’m having trouble finding a way to create a chart that would show results based on a specific month (i.e. May or April) I can easily create a chart that will show past month/week/day from that day. However, I’m not finding the ability to filter results for a specific month.

Any help here would be great! looking for ways to get more out of the Asana reporting features for my team

Welcome to the Asana Community Forum, @Neil_Vilppu! As it stands, it is only possible to select “ within the last ” or “ within the next ” date ranges in Dashboard

I have gone ahead and moved this thread to the product feedback category to allow users to uovote. We’ll keep you posted if we have any updates to this!

Yep, this is something very crucial for reporting feature. We need to report e.g. quarterly performance and it’s impossible now.
Also would be great to have an option to show exact data/number at the top of the columns. Downloading the chart, as a picture, which means offline use, without numbers tell nothing to anyone who will read the chart later.

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The more I use Asana, the more I come across seemingly arbitrary limits and lack of basic things…like this.

My boss wants a simple report: "tell me how many projects are completed/not completed in a specific month or range.

IE, “SEP1 to OCT 1” or “OCT-DEC (a quarter)”. But you can’t. It’s always a roll, so if you use the “last month” rule, you’ll only be accurate if you pull a report on the month, and then save that data externally (since the next day, it will be gone). Maddening.

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@Neil_Vilppu @Jan_Rajdl @Don_Engel1 while we wait for Asana to improve their reporting capabilities, I just wanted to let you know that the Analytics & Reports add-on by Screenful makes it easy to set up weekly/monthly/quarterly reports and have them automatically delivered to the right stakeholders. Here’s an example report delivered to the email:

You can use any date range in these reports and you can freely customize the content. You can learn more about our reports feature from this guide. Feel free to reach out to support@screenful.com for more details.

it is possible to create a “by month” report? I also need to answer “How many of x tasks were done in X month”