We host monthly webinars with awesome champions (check out some of the recordings here), and there’s dozens of steps to plan and prepare for each. To facilitate the planning process, I built out a webinar planning project as a template that I copy over for each new project.
How I set it up:
- Create sections for the weeks leading up to the event
- Create tasks for each individual action item
- Include context in the description with key instructions for any action items. This allows me to delegate them to colleagues without having to prepare additional instructions.
- Use a quick marker (**) for tasks that will be assigned to the speaker
By creating this template and copying it each time, the process is now more streamlined and efficient and I can make sure nothing falls through the cracks- even those tasks that seem mundane can become critical if missed. Using this template also allows me to hand off some (or all) of the planning tasks to a colleague if I need help or have to pass off the process down the road.
Check out the screenshot of my template below.
(https://us.v-cdn.net/6028221/uploads/editor/np/t785q8bot20w.png “”)