View of others' My Tasks lists not working

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:

Steps to reproduce:
Calendar view and the rest of the view options pane is not loading

Browser version:
Google Chrome Version 111.0.5563.64 (Official Build) (arm64)

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I can confirm this (cc @Marie).

The header grey bars pulsate to indicate they are loading but they never complete loading just as the screenshot above shows.

Note that it’s the header (I’d say) that’s not loading (rather than the “view options pane” as the OP says).




Hi folks,

@Vanessa_N who is currently managing this section will be in touch soon :slight_smile:


By the way, I modified the title of this thread for clarity; it had referenced Profiles, not My Tasks.

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Having the same issue for my team as well, unable to view their calendars.

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My boss granted me access to her “My Tasks” but when I go to the her page, it still wont update.

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Welcome to the Asana Community Forum @Anastasia_Crispin!

Have a look here that might be the reason.

And here is a general overview on sharing my tasks.

Welcome, @Andrea_Mayer,

I think this is the issue; it’s been broken at least since yesterday it seems:



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Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing:
When accessing a team member’s “My Tasks” panel, it never loads. Then I cannot request to edit

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Go to a team member’s “My Tasks” page
  2. Note that the title doesn’t load.

Browser version:

  • Chrome - Version 111.0.5563.64 (Official Build) (arm64)
  • Also occurs on Safari

Upload screenshots below:

Welcome, @Renan_Rotondo,

There’s an existing report for this so I’ve merged yours into it.



Hello! Is there any update on this issue? I am facing the same thing :frowning:

Hi! My team is having the same issue since yesterday (in Chrome), hope it gets resolved soon because it’s quite urgent for us. I did find a quick fix for the time being: if your colleague has their own tasks opened in the Calendar view, you can open their tasks in Calendar view as well by: searching their name in the top search bar, right click on their profile/name and “open in new tab”. This way, their tasks open as Calendar view in the new tab as well. This is not ideal, but for us this trick does work.


Hi folks and thanks for all the reports. We have received other similar reports, and our team is looking into this. @Vanessa_N or I will keep you posted here as soon as we have an update!


Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing: When looking at two of my users’ tasks the list view is working but the calendar view is not.

Steps to reproduce:

Browser version:

Upload screenshots below:

Hi @Oana_Marele , welcome to the forum :wave:

Have a look at this thread: View of others' My Tasks lists not working
Is this what you are experiencing?
If so, let us know so we can merge your post into that one :wink:

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Hi @Oana_Marele, welcome to our Community Forum! As Richard mentioned, our Developers have confirmed that this is a bug, and we are currently working on a fix. I’m merging the posts so that you can follow the main thread for updates! :slight_smile:

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Navigating to an individual user’s list or calendar view of tasks will load tasks and calendar, but not their profile photo, name, etc.


HI @Meghan_Seal, sorry for the trouble! This is a confirmed bug and our team is working on a fix. I’m merging your topic to our existing thread so that you can follow the updates :slight_smile:

When I search for a user and select them, I come to a page that explains their tasks, projects, etc. I click on ‘All Tasks’. When I view, I expect to see their name up top along with the ability to ‘favorite’ the list by clicking on the star.

However, The circle (for the picture) and area for the name are grey and fading in and out. I’m not able to click the star (as no star is available).

I’m in Chrome.
Asana Issue

Hi @John_Wagner, apologies for the trouble. Our team is currently working on a fix for this bug, so I’m merging your topic into our main thread so you can follow the updates.

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