Yes, as Cosmina suggested, if you’re on the premium plan, you can create templates. You can also do this pretty easily on the free plan as well. All you’ll need to do is create a master project that contains your client workflow, tasks and subtasks, and label it something like “[template] - Client Workflow” or something similar. Then every time you onboard a new client, just copy the master project template and rename it with the client’s info. (Be sure to click the check boxes to copy over the subtasks as well).
@ClientCentric working on a similar situation. Home Builder with set workflow so the use of templates is an option. Where I’m struggling conceptually is the task owners. Say I have 10 tasks the role ‘Team Leader’ is responsible for. For project A Team Leader=John, for project B Team Leader=Tom.
Is there a way to allocate roles to tasks and then map the actual names to roles as in above example? Or do I have to go in and at the time of creating the new project (via the template) assign actual user names to individual tasks? Or could there be an option via teams e.g. ‘Team Leaders’?
@Thomas_F_Meier you’ll indeed need to assign the individual assignees to tasks. Or, of course, you could ask the individuals to assign the tasks to themselves (assuming they know their general responsibilities relative to the other team members).
@Thomas_F_Meier Yes, as @Alexis said, I don’t think there’s a way to assign “roles” and then assign team members to the roles after the fact. One workaround (depending on the number of team leaders you have) is to create separate Templates for each potential team leader and assign the appropriate tasks and sub-tasks to that team leader within the template. Then, when you get a new project, you can decide which team leader to use and create the new project from that team leader’s template. Just be sure to check the boxes to “include assignee” when making the new project. (I haven’t tested this out, but may be worth giving it a shot).
We’re an agency - who brings in clients into our projects.
One of our clients has their own Asana account (which I think will be under a new email for me) so I’d have to manage 2 Asana accounts.
Ideally I’d like them to be in our Asana but that won’t work for them.
Is there a way that I can merge these accounts together so that I just use it from my agency account but it also appears on theirs (even though the email is different)?
With regard to sharing I think it be best to invite them as project members to your Asana. This way they only see what you’d like them to in your Project, and nothing else. All they need to do is navigate to the space you’ve invited them to by switching between spaces they have access to.