Hi Asana Community,
Here at Asana, we’re always thinking about ways to help you focus and improve your everyday productivity. Especially for individual tasks, we know everyone has a preferred way of working - that’s why we’ll be rolling out improvements to make tasks more personal.
Over the next couple of months, you might notice changes to your task pane as we roll out and iterate to provide the best experience. Here’s a sneak peek at what you might see.
Resizable task pane
Resize your task pane in projects and My tasks to your liking.
Decluttered task pane
More compact project section to see all related projects at a glance and easily add and navigate to related work.
Expandable and collapsible sections for projects, dependencies, fields, apps, and subtasks to show only the most important contextual data and focus on the task.
Lastly, please note, these features are not available to all customers yet, we will keep this thread updated with the latest roll-out updates.
If you see these changes in your Asana, please try it out and share your feedback via this form!
Good work, looking forward to seeing it.
These look like some great changes.
A post was merged into an existing topic: Color Coded Tasks/Sections
This is great. I’d really love to further personalize the My Tasks view by only being able to see tasks that are “available” – that is, whatever it is dependent on is completed. It’s frustrating to see so many tasks that I can’t actually do yet because I’m waiting on a prior step.
Hi @Quinn_Emmett , welcome to the forum
I believe what you are asking is slightly different to the topic of this thread, so without wanting to veer off, here is what you can do (today) with your My tasks by adding this rule.
Please free to comment in that post.
Will check it out! Thanks!
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Hi everyone, and thanks for the feedback you have shared so far about the improvements to the task pane! We will soon start rolling out a new update to move collaborators to the top bar and moves attach and subtasks icon to the overflow menu. See image below:
Please note, we will test and iterate this feature if needed. We will let you know if it’s rolled out to all customers! Let us know if you have any feedback via this form!
I really don’t like not seeing the collaborators next to the comment box…
Having the Project section on tasks by side-by-side to be more “compact” is dreadful. Having them stacked made it much easier to quickly update all the status - now I keep accidentally clicking the project and wasting time getting back to what I was doing.
Is there a way to change back to having Projects stacked rather than the new “compact” layout?
There is not. But do use the form referenced in the top post above to register your feedback; that’s an important way to have your voice be heard.
Hello, everyone! Thank you for sharing your questions and feedback on this update.
Exciting news—we’ve completed reviewing the results of the A/B test, and as a result, the resizable task pane is now available to all our customers!
On the flip side, after careful consideration, we’ve decided to hold off on implementing the expandable and collapsible sections, as well as project pills, in the task pane for now. We will revisit these options in the future, and we’ll keep you posted.
Thanks again, and hope you have a fantastic weekend ahead!