Unable to cancel my subscription plus refund required

I want to cancel my subscription and I have spent a frustrating hour on it which is unacceptable.
I’m definitely taking this up with my credit card company if I am charged again.
I am logged onto the Asana website. I find the Admin console. When I click on it, it redirects me to the Asana app. I downloaded the app which ‘wonderfully’ does not have an Admin console. So I am unable to cancel.

I’m so done with your app. I chat with the app, it says contact support. I click on support it tells me to cancel
it myself by going to my profile -admin console.

The email I sent to support a month ago is yet to be answered.

Kindly assist


I am having the same problem. We need to cancel but our plan admin is no longer with the company and Asana prompts will not let me go any further unless I am the admin. REALLY frustrating.


@Karen_Labenz, please email support@asana.com to explain the issue. Make sure to add the previous Admin email address in CC to speed up the process (for security, we need to have them in CC on the cancellation request). Our team will take it from there :slight_smile: