Turning off "Like" notifications

Does anyone know how to stop inbox notifications for “likes” on projects/comments etc?


Hi @Becky_Patterson

At the moment there is no way to customize the types of notifications you receive. You either receive notifications, or you don’t. That said, you have posted this request in the right place as our developers often check in to see what our members are looking for us to improve and/or develop.

Thanks for adding your voice to the conversation!


@Becky_Patterson be aware that some people are using the Likes to actually give approval, so if you remove the notification, you might break some processes (unless you instructed people otherwise obviously).

Asana Certified Pro, consultant, author and developer


Great point @Bastien_Siebman!

That’s a fair point. For our team, folks click “like” to acknowledge that they’ve read a comment. I don’t really need a notification for this because I can look at the comment and hover over the icon to see who’s acknowledged it if I need verification. The problem is that my inbox ends up bloated as a result of so many notifications.


I’d also appreciate the ability to disable these types of notifications. As is, they are uninformative at a glance and force you to interact with them by clicking a URL that opens Asana in a new tab, which populates slowly as it has to load the whole web app.

You received a Like on Asana! doesn’t tell me anything.
PersonX liked something you’re working on. in the content tells me who liked my something.

The only value of these types of emails is:

  • Someone liked something of mine
  • Who that someone is (which could be conveyed in the email title)
  • A link to that something (which you must click to find out what this like is even about)

Notifications are important, but things like this are just clutter and should be optional or improved.


Would also love the option of turning off these notifications. Humans are happier with less notifications in our lives!


The options for which notification get send or do not get sent to my email are very limited. One is “All activity.” Obviously, I have to have this on, because if a coworker responds to a thread I am following, I generally need to know and often need to respond. A response from a coworker is real activity. By contrast, if someone simply “likes” a comment I made, that’s not real activity in the same way. I don’t need another email telling me about a “like.” Clearly, this feature is for insecure users who need frequent reassurance about whether they’re liked. There definitely should be a way to turn off email notifications for “likes” without turning it off for “all activity.”

I tried searching for this, but didn’t seem to find a solid answer.

Is it possible, or could it be in the future to allow users to disable certain types of notifications? Specifically the heart/like/thumbs-up notification?

Hi @Dave_Brong

There’s a similar thread here, if you want to add your vote:

@Bastien_Siebman, might it be worth merging these threads?

Not sure, second post seems more general. @Alexis?

Thanks Mark. I agree with that post - the filter idea would solve it, and my issue stemms from the same place - too many “minor” types of notifications that flood inboxes/email. They aren’t actionable at all, and don’t need to clutter things up.

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Hi folks, doing a bit of cleaning here and merging this post with Turning off "Like" notifications as they’re the same :slight_smile:

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Hello, so still no solution how to get rid of mail notifications about new “Like”?

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Don’t know if this subject is still being pursued, but as a new user, this would be very welcome. We are using “Like” just to confirm someone has seen an informational post, not for approval or anything like that. I can check that on the site, don’t need an email after each of the 20 people on the team Likes a post.


I came here looking for info on what the Like/Thumbs Up function on each task (and the comments) does? Does it just mean you get notifications on an item if you ‘like’ it? If so then what’s the difference from being a collaborator?

Liking something is used to show appreciation.

Thanks. I get that but do you also sign up for notifications if you like or is it just an indicator?

I just tried: a like does not add you to the collaborator :slight_smile:

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thanks for checking!