Turn off the "go to task" option after submitting a form?

Is this a new feature? This “go to Task” clickable link our users get when they submit a form? How can we turn this off if we don’t want them to go to the task?


That’s probably because you setup the form to add the submitter as a collaborator, meaning they have access to their own submission. Was it intentional?

I don’t know of a way to disable this button other than changing that specific setting.

This is what’s selected. It’s not enabled. Is this what you meant?


You did not embed any image. Did you try in incognito mode? Maybe that shows because you are the form owner and also you are connected to Asana in the same browser.

I have a feeling that is indeed the case.
Logically, the ‘Go to task’ button does not appear to non-org members.

This is what appears to them instead:


Little bit more information. Sorry. After testing with more forms it seems like it’s happening on all of them in every project - even ones I am not a member of. I am testing these because people are asking why is this showing up? I’m wondering if this is a recent administrator setting change? I’m not an Asana admin so I cannot see this.

After submitting a form a user sees this first message. They never used to see the go to task button. If they click it they get the request access screen because none of the users are members of the project the form belongs to. And this is why we don’t want users to see the option. These tasks will be vetted and go through an internal approval process first and if approved will be converted to a project and assigned to a different team. I’ve include our standard settings.



This text will be hidden

@Marie is this a bug you think?

Any updates on this?


When there are updates, Asana publishes a comment here :slight_smile:

Hey there, wondering if there is any update on this topic. We rely on these forms for feedback but we will not be able to use them if the button “go to task” exists since we share these forms externally.

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Yes, this is a major concern for our team as well since all our Asana forms are public-facing. I especially feel like we should be able to turn off the Asana marketing (“Start managing your own projects on Asana today” since we pay for a business plan.

We also want to hide the Asana marketing (“Start managing your own projects on Asana today”) message once the form has been submitted. Is this really not possible?

Not that I know of, no. That’s a typical growth hacking technic, but usually when you have a paid tier you can indeed remove those messages.

@Bastien_Siebman Do you know of any way to bypass this message and/or create a custom confirmation page?

I believe you can’t. @Arthur_BEGOU @Julien_RENAUD you confirm?

Indeed, I believe you can’t.

This might deserve a topic on the category Product Feedback - Asana Community Forum - feel free to add it there and cast a vote. This will help the product team to eventually pick that up. :wink:

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Feature request added here: Disable Asana marketing shown upon form submission. Please vote if this issue concerns you.


Hi all, I have a similar issue. Submitters have a ‘View my Request’ option after they submit the form. If they go view their request, the approval buttons were immediately visible to them as an end-user.I would prefer this not to be visible. Is this is a setting that I need to change?