Tracking Customer Relationship Management & Scope Changes in Asana

Hey There Community!

Current Work Flow
We use Premium plan.
Each Folder is a Client.
We track projects using tasks under each client with subtasks/checklists.
As the PM I place our scope in the project brief and then create tasks in lists.

Two of our team members use the website at our laptop or full size computer.
One teammate uses their cell phone app often.

Challenges We Face
comments and updates are shared on various project tasks that may have to do with a different project. So for larger projects, communication, and tracking work can get challenging. Our teammate who uses their cell can have a hard time locating the larger tasks.

How do you organize your client communication and scope changes in the premium version of asana?

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We use Asana as a CRM. Each client has a main task as well as a project. And then we have tasks for meetings, invoices, quotes and any piece of action. It is sometimes hard to find something but overall each message is on the appropriate task :person_shrugging: does it help?

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We use the tag for each client’s tasks and also specific projects for a client. To automate it on client projects - there is auto-tagging for each task with the client tag. There are also work-related projects to which we add tasks. So basically a task is in a client project and in a work-related project (ie. design).

@Bastien_Siebman - tagging tasks sure helps to find all client tasks in different projects.

Happy to hear other’s solutions for this case.

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