Please give us a setting such that all Timeline tasks that have dependencies always drop such that they are inline with each other as much as possible. Currently they always drop “one vertical space” above/below each other, ostensibly so we can read the task title. That’s useful for many users, I’m sure, so I’m not asking that this change, but please give us a Timeline toggle that forces all new tasks to drop as much inline horizontally and vertically as possible. Pack them as tight together as the due dates will allow.
Also, please in this same setting force the issue such that new tasks DO NOT get wedged vertically in between existing dependency threads.
Further refinement would be that the moment we add a dependency to two tasks in the same section, the tasks should automatically all align themselves inline, or if there’s a conflict with another task in that same spot, automatically move to the next available spot (above).
Look at the two images, they are both the same sets of tasks. Two different “strings”, if you will.
The one had 1 string that I had already organized. I dropped in a news string, and the tasks for the new dependency strings are all over the place.
Look at the second pic, where I manually reorganized them. This is way easier see (even though you cannot read the task titles) and map out when you get a LOT of them on the screen.
I am probably using Timeline very much like a Gantt chart and I’ve played around with the new Gantt chart feature a little but have not yet found it nearly as helpful as a well organized Timeline. However, I will continue learning Gantt to hopefully see if this scratches the itch.