I would love to be able to zoom in and zoom out of Timeline and Gantt chart views rather than selecting from days, months, weeks, quarters, etc… The ability to easily wheel my way around these views to see what our organization has coming at a glance would be enormously helpful.
Zooming in and out would be great, but what I really want is to be able to see a timeline view that shows one week (i.e. 7 days)
Currently in timeline view I can go to “Hours”, which shows 7 hours on my 16:9 screen, which is too short. Or I can go to “Days”, which shows 30-40 days, which is too long. I want to see the work week, Monday to Friday, so I can see our workload each week.
Google calendar has always had the “Week” View, which shows Sunday through Saturday. I want something like that. A two week view would also be nice.