TIme constrained goal types

It seems that goals are rigidly defined in terms of percentage completion, even if you choose a number instead of percentage. This doesn’t allow much flexibility in how goals are defined.

For example, I have a goal of hitting go-live on an implementation project on time or earlier, measured as the number of weeks before/after the target date. For example, -1 means I’m one week ahead of schedule and +3 means I’m 3 weeks behind. But if I set my goal as a number, I cannot enter 0 as a goal. If I enter -1 as a goal and update my status to be -1, the goal is reported purely as a percentage complete. Even if I reframed my goal to be “Days ahead of schedule” and set an ambitious goal of 14, marking myself as 7 days ahead of schedule would report that we’re half way to our goal, which doesn’t really make much sense.

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Hi @Alex_de_Geofroy, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:t2:

Thanks for providing this feedback! While Goals are currently only measure in %, hopefully our Product team can implement some new metrics in the future :slight_smile:

I’ll keep you posted and let you know if I have any updates :slight_smile: