Calculate completion of milestones within a goal period ONLY

Hi there!
I think a great feature fix would be to have the completion of a goal (say in Q2 2022) count only the milestones due by that Quarter (i.e., Q2 2022). If the goal does take the milestones expected to complete on Q3 for example, the goal underestimates its completion automatically, as the milestones expected by the goal do not match with the quarter expected milestones.

If the query that the automatic progress quantification would take due date as a filter, then only milestones with due date until that Q or H of a year would be considered for the goal completion progress quantification.

Is that easy to fix?


Hi @anon96044834, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:

Thanks for providing this feedback!

While this feature isn’t available right now, hopefully it’s something our Product team can implement in the future.

I’ll keep you posted and let you know if we have any updates :slight_smile: