Time blocking? What is that you might ask… It is a simple practice of planning out the moments of your day in advance and dedicating specific time “blocks” for certain tasks and responsibilities. While a standard to-do list tells you what you need to do, time blocking tells you when you’re going to do it (more than just when it is DUE) When you fill your calendar with the tasks and things you want to do, it’s harder for others to steal your time.
How often would you say you’ve completed 8 hours of work in an 8-hour workday? Whether it’s endless meetings, constant emails, or coworkers (virtually) popping in for a “quick chat,” your productivity rarely makes it through the day, right?
Do we all agree that if you only realize 1-2 hours of productive time, in an 8-hour workday, this presents a problem? Well, this is where the power of: Asana + :KosmoTime (developed by @Nicolas_Vandenberghe) puts you back in the driver seat and on the road to a more productive tomorrow!
**Here is how you can use time blocking to make the most of the time you have each day, 5 simple steps.
- Evaluate where you have openings in your upcoming week. In this case, my Outlook calendar is dynamically synced to KosmoTime.
- Select specific blocks of time where you want to dedicate yourself to perform “deep work” on tasks that you have prioritized WHILE making sure your colleagues see you are unavailable. Value YOUR time!
- Batch Asana Tasks to dedicated Focus Blocks so this time has both purpose and definition.
- [OPTIONAL] Use the embedded time-tracking and distraction blocker features to stay on pace and shut out distractions (with the option to block open browser tabs and set your communication stack to a “do not disturb” mode)
- Finally, review your calendar at the close of each day so you can make adjustments for the week ahead. Once you start to get a taste for the productivity that comes with valuing your time, it will be hard to not make this a key step to your workflow!
A few potential enhancements for @Nicolas_Vandenberghe to consider:
[I invite other Asana lovers to share their experience and feedback in this thread as well (cc: @Darcy_Norman) ]
- Within the Calendar Powers, I could see value in being able to set separate preferences for whether to enable the “hide titles” or “show as busy” options
- Introduce a Workspace and Teams layer to the task hierarchy. I would love to be able to see All Tasks (Workspace Layer). Also, when wanting to see just tasks within a specific Project or Team it would be nice to have Teams as a part of the hierarchy - allowing this grouping to contain their associated Projects. Otherwise, the Projects list can be rather long for power users making it difficult to find what you are looking for. I believe in a lot of ways this also would improve the navigation (assuming you could collapse and expand Teams).
- It would also be nice to have the option to enable/disable which workspaces, teams or projects are synced or seen in the navigation pane.