Block dates/timeslots

Hi, I am looking for an option to block certain dates/timeslots. So my team members cannot set a deadline on specific dates/timeslots. Does this feature exist?


I don’t know about blocking, but with the Timeline Feature people can see the dates in which you are already assigned to some task.

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Hi @Kelly_Kerkstra, we don’t have a built-in feature to allow you to block dates/timeslots so I have gone ahead and moved your thread to the #productfeedback category to allow you and other users to vote for this feature request.

In the meantime, you could add a “Do not schedule” project in your Team and add tasks to this project with a start and due date to indicate when one of your colleagues should not be assigned any more tasks. These tasks will automatically be available in the Team calendar so all your Teammates are aware when they can or can’t assign a task to someone in the Team.


Amazing thanks!

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Unfortunately, that only works if they read your schedule before adding to it. A blocking feature would be very helpful for marking days out of office.


this feature will increase the productivity of ASANA.


I would live to see this feature as it will help to control the deadlines.

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Would love to see this feature as well in the future. Specifically if a user is on vacation it would be great to somehow put those dates in and then if someone tries to schedule a task on those dates it brings up a warning not allowing to do so.

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I too would live for this feature. This will become standard for all task management apps soon, Asana should do it now!

I just started using Asana and would REALLY like to see this feature added. Thanks!

would love this!!!

Asana we STILL need this feature!

FYI this capability is available in our Flowsana integration via the Falls during a holiday/time off rule trigger.

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Any progress on this feature?