🚶‍♂️ The power of emojis

If you know me, you know I love emojis. They aren’t just for teenage girls on Whatsapp. They make Asana fun to use, and can help you read your tasks more easily.

Couple of examples:

  1. My daily walk task is called “:man_walking: Daily walk”, not “Daily walk”. Just seeing that small emoji makes me want to do it!
  2. I have tasks starting with :gift: regarding Christmas presents so I don’t forget, they stand out in my list.
  3. I use :fire: to emphasize a task I really need to do.
  4. or :heart: to emphasize a task I really want to do!

Don’t underestimate the power of emojis! And their colors! Hearts for example come in various colors :blue_heart::green_heart::yellow_heart::purple_heart::black_heart::white_heart::brown_heart: use that in your advantage.


:joy: :joy: :joy:

That’s creative! I’m going to have to steal that…

Emojis are indeed fun. I very often use :white_check_mark: to track meeting attendance or :warning: when calling out a disclaimer in a work instruction. My favorite has to be the use of :doughnut: which trails any “do not” rules or best practices that are declared.


By way of collaborating with Bastien, I also start putting emojis everywhere :rofl:
The latest one I’m using: :shopping_cart: in front of the project templates. It’s a bit like shopping and taking existing products on the shelf :wink:


When @Julien_RENAUD comes into a client account and sees emojis everywhere he asks “did you work with @Bastien_Siebman?” and they always say yes :rofl:

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I’m starting to feel like a plagiarist but these are too good not to use! :laughing:


@Bastien_Siebman would it be a proud dad moment when it happens in reverse? You come into an account you haven’t worked on only to learn @Julien_RENAUD has emojified the setup!


I confirm that this is a real-life situation.
When the client said, “I worked with Bastien,” I replied “I would have guessed it myself” :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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@LEGGO I would be proud, but @Julien_RENAUD is definitely better when it comes to adoption of Asana :muscle: did we say we have an ebook almost ready on the topic? :slight_smile: