Templates that are separate from normal projects

I’d like the ability to create templates that don’t appear as regular, editable projects in the sidebar. Even though I’ve marked as templates as ‘Don’t alter’, I still had to fix one of them yesterday after one of the team accidentally deleted a task. To avoid the risk of accidental alteration, or just confusion about whether to copy the template project itself or create a task using the template from scratch, I would feel so much better if templates sat somewhere behind the scenes, editable only by certain individuals.

I’ve seen this request come up a few times in other threads, and it’s something I’d personally love to see implemented.

Agree that template mgmt could be better.

I am considering a work-around for now by creating a “Template Team” for templates and restrict access to the project. Should help with sidebar clutter. Even if the project was public/not restricted it might be easier for folks to understand unless they are a template author they should probably not be messing around with the projects in that team.


It’s a good idea, Mike. I had considered creating a Template Team myself but our problem is that our premium subscription is assigned to our team, not our organisation. So, I can’t set up templates in another team and make them available to members of our current one.

Even if template projects could be archived but still available to use, that would be a slightly better solution.

For now, could you create a private team for your templates (that only you can access)? That way, only you can edit the templates and they’re kept separate from other projects that are actually in progress.

Thanks, Paul. I do sort of do that now, by having copies of the templates that are private to me. That’s proved useful as a back-up for when people do accidentally change something. Ultimately, though, for people to be able to create projects based on the template, it has to sit somewhere on the sidebar within our team, which just seems a bit risky/messy.

It’s not deal-breaker, though. Most people do generally follow the instructions that I’ve posted in Asana and emailed separately about 3 times! :smile:

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We’ve just recently moved to Premium Org. It’s letting us organize in a whole different way.

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@Mike_Hoefer Thanks for the workaround, Mike. I’m absolutely going to create that template team. I just sent feedback to Asana about this very problem. I’d love to see templates separated from projects.

Our number of templates is increasing rapidly so my project sidebar is out of control. I prefix all of my templates with ‘[T]’ but I’d still much prefer if they were hidden from the project menu altogether.