Team Metrics

Hi, I own a creative agency that functions virtually. We manage our clients and their requests by creating a project per client - each task being added either manually or by the attached form and project steps are created as subtasks.

Our employees are also virtual in that they live all over the country. They are offered contracts to handle a certain number of projects per month. In our projects, they are owned by a project manager and then various team members are assigned to the subtasks within.

I need to be able to get a live view of how many projects each team member is assigned to within the current month.

I would greatly appreciate any direction or ideas on the best way to achieve this.


@Kate_Wardwell - depending on how you’re managing work (as projects, tasks, or some combination), you’ll probably want to use the universal reporting feature (Advanced plan or above) and have a chart(s) with your x-axis being task/project owner (assignee), y-axis being a count of tasks/projects, and filtering for various attributes, including creation/due date, status (custom fields), etc.

Charts on dashboards are all real-time (slight delay of ~1min on occasion).

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Thank you Stephen. I am on an enterprise plan and my work is managed by Projects as Client, Tasks as project requests, and subtasks as project steps. I have the universal reporting. The issue is that I need to know the number of “tasks or projects” a team member is a part of, not how many subtasks. Any advice on that?

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@Kate_Wardwell - I don’t know if you’ll be able to marry up tasks and projects (might need to have a separate chart for each), but there is a filter for subtasks in charts, so you could only count top-level tasks.

I’ve tried that also. In our system, the main assignee is the project manager. The collaborators on the project who are assigned to all the subtasks are the ones I’m needing to get a parent task count for.