Task number

Hello… I’d like to know if its possible to assign a number to each Asana task if this can be done automatically.


Hi @Carlos_Rojas and welcome to the forum!

There’s no way to have Asana automatically add a unique task number itself.

There are several solutions that people have developed to add a numeric identifier to a task; you can find them discussed in this thread:

Also, you can add your vote for this feature request here:


Hi all,

FYI, Short Task IDs (as well as short Task URL Links, if that’s something you’re interested in) are now available via my Flowsana integration - for more info, see this forum post: Create unique task IDs and short URL links - new in Flowsana


You managed to find a big pain point for the team I am working with, the unique task IDs are really important if you are working with a big group. A while ago we decided to build something like this to scratch our own itch. We’ve been using it ever since, and along with us plenty of other users (tracking over 15.000 tasks). So feel free to try out Astogi.com and please let us know what you think of it!

If you have any feedback, or am looking for additional features, please reach out to us!

Ps. as you can see, my other pet peeve is not being able to track Git commits so I decided to include that too :slight_smile:


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