Task content to email

Is it possible to send task content to email?
I would need to sent the content to outside contact, who does not use Asana. Instead of copying to email, and their reply to Asana, it would be great to “trigger” that email is sent to task owner, who can forward it to outside contact. Or comment on it, with outside contact in cc, and reply is saved in Asana pod comments.

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Hi @Andrej_Krasevec you can get notifications sent out but you would want task info sent over. You could try this: create a comment that @ the task assignee or creator and use the new variables to input the description also. This notification via email could then be forwarded to external ?

Hi Danielle,

I don’t see “description” option, when pressing the “+” sign in comment. Am I missing something in the steps?

Hi @Andrej_Krasevec you need to be in rules